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Welcome to the judgment-free zone - and why K9 Bridle is different...

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Since K9 Bridle's introduction, we have had overwhelmingly positive feedback. Many customers who have come to us directly, or though our retail partners and dog trainers have found that K9 Bridle has not only changed their experience of walking their dogs, but led to a better understanding between owner and pooch. However, we do get the odd person who takes exception with products such as ours, without understanding that the K9Bridle does work differently and occasionally, they even go so far as to suggest cruelty. We find this incredibly frustrating, given the reality of how a K9 Bridle works.

Firstly, it does not obstruct their mouths or ride into the dog’s eyes (unlike other halters). Secondly, there is only tension when they are actively pulling and, with the point of control being behind the head, and the fact that a small tweak is enough communicate clearly to the dog, it's actually a very gentle response to what can sometimes be a very severe problem.

Quite outside of the physical aspect of the K9 Bridle's use, we need to consider the context in which it is used. Many of our customers have purchased the K9 Bridle for use with rescue dogs, whom they have adopted out of pure love and compassion. Some will have experience with dogs, others are complete novices, learning as they go. These dogs will often have a number of issues, and in fact leash behavior may be something that has to be tackled after house training, understanding basic commands and other priorities. In the meantime, dogs still need exercise.

In fact the K9 Bridle has helped many dogs whose owners were seriously considering sending their unruly dogs to a rescue centre.

There is no getting away from the fact that homing or rehoming any animal is a massive leap of faith - as Forrest Gump so accurately points out, 'you never know what you're going to get'. And this is why an open mind is so important when it comes to addressing problematic behavior. Tools such as the K9 Bridle can provide massive relief to a both owner and dog - bearing in mind, that fraught walks are unpleasant and unsafe for both parties. Often, when a dog pulls strongly on their leash, it leads to shorter walks, or even no walks - and this is can only be detrimental for the dog and does not bode well for a happy partnership between dog and owner.

We have a number of customers with physical limitations and disabilities. It's important to pause and consider the reality of a walking a large, powerful dog (or even a medium sized, moderately powerful dog). There is always the possibility that a dog, even a very well trained dog, may lurch suddenly at a distraction such as a cat, squirrel, or even just an interesting scent. And the implications for the person on the other end can be profound. Whilst wearing a K9 Bridle, any forward or sideways movement away from the handler will automatically result in an appropriate correction and halt the dog before the unthinkable happens.

We do accept that for some dogs, it is preferable that a K9 Bridle should be a short-term solution to ensure they continue to receive exercise until the owner has the time and resources to work on leash behaviour. Dog trainers provide an excellent service, which will correct many on-leash issues, however some very experienced trainers will in fact have a stash of K9 Bridles in their 'tool kit' for use with certain dogs.

However, for some, K9 Bridle is an appropriate long-term solution. Every situation is different. Provided the owner takes the time to read and understand how to use the K9 Bridle correctly, we strongly believe that its use is both humane and practical. It, in our experience can not only stop the pulling issue but enable dog and owner to reconnect whilst walking. What may have felt like a battleground becomes a much calmer experience, in which further training can take place - for example, sitting before crossing the street, learning to ignore distractions and simply enjoying being out and about together.

And that, in our option, can only be a good thing.


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